04 Nov They all look the same to me
📍 “They all look the same to me” llega al 33 I 45 de la mano de la artista Maarit Kettu. En los últimos 6 meses, Maarit ha estado transformando en colores y contrastes sus relaciones con los hombres, pintando en tonos más frágiles para luego hacerlos explotar con diferentes sombras y colores de neón.
🎨 Esta artista finlandesa consigue unas obras únicas usando técnicas originales como la electricidad o rompiendo las moléculas de sus pinturas con unos resultados impresionantes.
🍻 Nos vemos el jueves a las 20h con unas Moritz.
👇🏻 Más info sobre la artista aquí 👇🏻
“The world of colours, and everything that is born and destroyed in between:
When I was a child, I painted almost always, when possible. I spent my free time in art classes, and I was lucky to have various persons teaching several technics, different styles. I was very interested of graffiti culture, and I found myself in tunnels painting first time yet 1999 in Finland. I enjoy using various colours specially when working with acrylics. I also enjoy using new methods for myself, which include the use of marker pens, spray, magnetism and electricity together with acrylics. By breaking molecules of the paints, it gives very interesting results.”